Perryville Church Cemetery

South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island, United States


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Cemetery SK047 in Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission Database. This cemetery is located just south of Perryville Road at telephone pole #1409, just west of Red House Road. It is 340 feet by 240 feet, surrounded by a stone wall, in excellent condition, and the historical cemetery sign is in good condition. There are 594 burials marked with inscribed stones and probably nine hundred people buried here. The map for this cemetery is on page 333 [South Kingstown cemetery book] at the end of the transcript. The gravestones are numbered starting in the northeast corner of each section. The lines delineate two-track cart paths between the sections. James N. Arnold recorded this lot Oct. 12, 1880, his #161, “Opposite the Baptist Church in Perryville a cemetery in which we find the following. Lot walled and faced and pointed, a receiving tomb is found in south west corner of lot.” He recorded thirty gravestones on his visit. The cemetery was carefully updated and checked against the Arnold transcript in 1991-1993 by Dr. Bill Eddleman and John E. Sterling. Every stone found by Arnold was accounted for.
Perryville Church Cemetery, Created by betty-lou armstrong, South Kingstown, Washington, Rhode Island, United States